Real Room Escape Games
The real escape games blog site
tag: escape rooms
Extracting The Best From a Team

Extracting The Best From a Team

To form a team you'll need a group of individuals who have similar interests and attitudes, and they come together on a common platform. Many individuals are not capable of doing all tasks and many ti

Gamification in Recruitment: Pros and Cons

With gamification being such a new technique in the process of HR and recruitment, it's not surprising that you'll find considerable scepticism surrounding its use. Many also question the potential be
How Great Managers Motivate Their Employees

How Great Managers Motivate Their Employees

A lot of talk around the motivation of employees tends to forget the salient fact that they are already very motivated. So, if you happen to be a manager charged with motivating a team, you'll be need
Home Team Building

Home Team Building

What is Virtual Team Building? Virtual team building is all about enhancing team performance but with the use of a virtual delivery system approach. Look at this as group activities but where the gro
Let's Talk about Leaderboards

Let's Talk about Leaderboards

It's interesting to us that there are many escape room game businesses that insist on putting up a leader-board that shows how well previous teams performed. It's not something we could ever get behin
Why playing games is important for human race?

Why playing games is important for human race?

“You Can Discover More About a Person in an Hour of Play than in a Year of Conversation” -Plato “Combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought.” - Albert Einstein